Agros weekopbrengst 05.04.2024
Agros weekopbrengst 05.04.2024

Agros weekopbrengst 05.04.2024

Agros weekopbrengst 05.04.2024
🎉Congratulations on your successful weekly accrual to your debt slots!

Start – 3.42% 🥔
Basic – 3.61% 🫐
Lite – 3.8% 🍋
Medium – 4.18% 🥬
Large – 4.65% 🥒
Trader – 5.22% 🍊
Exclusive – 5.51% 🍇
Pro – 5.7% 🍅
Infinity – 5.89% 🌾

You will continue to receive weekly payments for each debt slot purchased on our platform.

🤝The Agros team thanks you for your cooperation and wishes you a nice weekend!


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